Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas

Before head back to North Carolina to visit our family for Christmas, we did early Christmas party at house with our close friends and their French Bulldog named Choco. It was first Christmas for Pretz, guess what she got for Christmas from Uncle Jackson and Auntie Jane...
Awwweee...she looked very cute with pink snuggie, she is all ready for cold weather yey!
We all got wonderful gifts for each other and had happy early Christmas \(^o^)/

On Christmas day back in North Carolina, we had family dinner and holiday chillax time (^^♪
Mom said "oh Lord, I have more grand dogs than grand kids" hahaha  That is true...Here is all the grand dogs that she is talking about...
I was too chillaxing that forgot to take more pictures but hope everyone had a great Christmas with friends and family!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ready for Christmas

Finally It's getting cold, start feeling like Christmas is around the corner (#^.^#)  We had a Golden Retriever named Chloe staying with us for a week. Here is an early Christmas shot!
I made Chloe wear Pretz' Santa Claus hat (^_^;)  Good thing that Chloe has such a small face, it looks actually good on her! 
I know I'm a stalker with camera all the time but we always have play time too (with me and camera following...(*^^)v ) We had an extra fun with the dog who we met at the park! She was very playful and nice dog.
and guess what is the best moment after play time...
Yessss nap time ☆ミ soooo adorable...except....Σ(゚Д゚)...Pocky...
Well...little scary but still cute (^_^;)

Anyway, today's closing is a toy poodle Jasper. His owner kept his hair as regular poodle hair cut all this time but we decided to grow his hair and try teddy bear cut for Christmas this year. I've maintained his body hair short trim but not touching muzzle for four months. Ta da~~~~~~~(^^♪

Looks like everybody is ready for Christmas ♥

Monday, December 12, 2011

Miniature Schnauzer Convention~Part 2~

Breakfast time!! You guys better eat well this morning, because we are going to the park today yey!

Pocky, Pretz, & Lucas:"Ummm we've been patiently waiting only if you let us eat..."  

Oh sorry sorry children, there you go (^_^;)

It is so funny how they are eating their food as fast as they can, it seems they already know that we are going to the park after breakfast this morning (#^.^#)

Pocky:"Mom! I'm done!! Let's go let's go!!"
There was another dog walking the other side of the park...Pocky and Lucas seemed they wanted to introduce themselves badly...Pretz was not focus...she was just wanted to catch everything moving (i.g. dead leaves, squirrel, and litter etc.) (-_-;)

After 40minutes of playtime outside, they already started laying down...but looks like they had tons of fun (^^♪
Hope Lucas had a great time with us!
Pretz:"I will miss you Luca! See you tomorrow??"

Awwwee Pretz...maybe not tomorrow but he will come visit us soon (*^_^*)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Miniature Schnauzer Convention~Part 1~

What a exciting day! We are having another miniature schnauzer join our family for a few days. He is still eight months old white miniature schnauzer named Lucas. I got excited about having a variety color of schnauzers in the house, soon after I had to take a group photo already (#^.^#) "come on guys♫"
 Since Pretz is only three months old and have a lot of puppy energy, I knew Lucas and Pretz will have a great time together! 
In the morning
In the afternoon...
In the evening (^_^;)...
Oh My.... They never stop!!! They have endless energy, more than you can imagine!!! I was getting tired by just looking at them playing all day (-_-;)

I'm pretty sure everybody is wondering what was Pocky doing while puppies were playing. There he is...
In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening
Pocky... (-_-;)'sigh'
He is only three and half years old but act like grandpa already...I wish Pretz and Lucas can give him half of their puppy energy, that would be perfect (゚∀゚) long as you guys are happy and healthy, I can not complaints(^^ゞ
Miniature Schnauzer Convention is to be continued...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

One Lazy Day...

Oh no...It's getting cold!! It is actually perfect day for staying home with hot chocolate ♥
BUT we can't be just sitting on the couch and do nothing... My goal for this winter is to be productive and not get fat which usually happen every winter... 
I got an idea guys !(^^)! We have clay that we got from the vet last time, why don't we make an ornament with your paw on it, what do you think Pocky and Pretz!?!?

..... (-_-;) ugh...taking a nap already... lazybones...but I still need your paw on the clay for a second!

30minutes of making a shape and bothering Pocky and Pretz to get their paw on the clay which they did not like (you have to push the paw into the clay pretty hard otherwise you can barely tell that paw print is there), and 20minutes of baking... Tada~~~~♫
The instruction made it sounds like this is a piece of cake but it was not so easy as seem to be. As you can see, even though I cleaned their paw, there was still small dirt and dust stuck on the clay (T_T) 
It's not perfect looking but I'm happy with it (*^^)v Don't you think Pretz??

Pretz: "Mama, no more paw print, that was uncomfortable (~_~メ)”

Soooorry Pretz, by the way that is not your bed Pretz, that is where you go pee on if you really really need to go in the house but I prefer you go outside please... (^_^;)


How rude...
Since my two kids are clunky and just want to sleep so I guess I'm going to take a nap now  ヽ(´ー`)ノ