Friday, April 27, 2012


When I got Pocky in August 2008, one of our friend got a puppy at the same time. He is a Yorkie and Maltese mix name Oliver.  Long story short, Pocky and Oliver used to hung out a lot (^^) until Oliver moved in with his grandparents and we moved to DC.  
It became difficult for them to see each other because of the distance... m(__)m 
Couple days ago, we heard that Oliver is going to be in town for a few hours! We must go see Oilver! Since Pretz is in heat I only took Pocky to my friend's house. It's been more than two years...anxious and excited...hopefully they remember each other...(・_・;)
Once we walk in...
Oliver!! Do you remember us? Do you remember Pocky??
They were checking each other out a little bit but immediately they start chasing each other.
I think they remembered each other(*´∀`*)
I almost forgot how much Pocky enjoyed play date with Oliver。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。
We used to chill at this patio watching people...
Well...I guess we are going outside(^_^;)
Hmmm interesting...Oliver used to beat Pocky all the time without failing...
It was hard to tell who is faster but either way, they love chasing each other (^^♪
Time goes by quickly when we are having good time. Oliver looks like he is already tired.
Before we say bye bye to Oliver... 
Awweeee Pocky rarely shares the bed with Pretz...they are really Best Friends Forever!!!
Since we are back in Raleigh, our distance is only 2 hours. Hopefully we get to see Oliver again soon! Great to see you Olie☆彡

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lunch at The Remedy Diner

When we took Pocky and Pretz to a dog park, we met an owner of The Remedy Diner. She told us about all the good food that they have and the fact that you can bring your dog with you, We had to go check it out ASAP!
This weekend, cousin Choco's family was visiting NC, we decided to go eat at the Remedy Diner with  friends and our kids (*^_^*) 
They had cute back fenced area where we can eat and dogs can walk around.
While we are waiting on food, Choco went to other tables to politely say hello...
My friend took picture of me making blog materials....this is really how it goes down...(I basically follow around dogs with camera...(^_^;))
and mingle time...
My lunch was:
 They have non-vegetarian, vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free food, many choices! Tada~
Unfortunately it rained little while we were eating but overall we are all happy and kids enjoyed the environment! I will make sure to bring dog treats next time(^^ゞ
Once we got home, kids got some treats,
play some more...
and one unexpected surprised...
Pretz went into heat for the first time! Congratulations Pretz (*^_^*) She is almost nine months so I was prepared for this to happened anytime soon. Pocky and Pretz will have kids some day, but not so soon. We may have to put them in separate rooms a lot for now. We'll see how she handles her first heat...(^.^)

Friday, April 20, 2012

To the Vet!

Hmmm Pocky's right eye is swollen.
I've been cleaning well to see if it gets better but it's been a week now. Hair is growing back but the corner of the eye is still swollen so it is time to go to a Vet...sorry Pocky...
He has no idea what's going on...I can't tell him that we are going to the vet because he hates going there so shhhh...(^_^;)

At the vet...he was being a drama queen as usual but we went ahead and did his annual exam and all the vaccines as well. He has a minor eye infection, nothing serious. Overall she said he is a healthy and very well taken care of dog (^^)v She gave us an ointment to take home for his eye.
An Ointment in the eye sounds a little strange but whatever works!
I don't know how he got an eye could be from outside or from playing with Pretz...either way, we hope his eye gets better soon!
Meanwhile, Pretz was enjoying the weather...
(Papa says she looks like a panda always...(^_^;))
Whatever she looks like, I am just happy that they are both healthy, happy dogs (*^_^*)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Housewarming in ATL

This past weekend we were in Atlanta to attend one of our good friend's house warming party.
They got this gorgeous townhouse, it was very lovely house (*^_^*)
A lot of their friends came to congratulate on their new house!
Looks like all the food is ready, housewarming party let's get started!
Pocky was nervous to see all the people in one room, he was hiding between my legs and checking people out (@.@) 
We grilled out at outside patio, more than enough food was waiting (´ε` ) 
Let's eat eat eat\(^o^)/
Caught a moment! He said they are delicious (^^♪
While everybody was enjoying burgers, I was having food fight with Pretz...
Of course I won (^^)v
For the courtesy,I didn't want to take pictures of room but I took few interesting house item pictures so here it is.
Mr. Trashcan

It is a sensor trashcan.  The lit opens not only you wave your hand on sensor, every time somebody walk by it kept opening...I couldn't helped to keep watching how hard Mr. Trashcan was working that night... is another item that caught my attention, a huge fish tank. I could tell that he maintains the fish tank well. It was very pretty(*^_^*)
After food, we enjoyed drinking and snacking, and so did Pocky and Pretz
Hahaha nice try! You guys only get water. Since everybody had own cup, I made them cup respectively (^^) Pocky got finally warmed up with people, Pocky and Pretz were super star at the party, a lots of love (´ε` ) 
Everyone enjoyed their time and so did house owners! Congratulations to Vinh and Olivia!

Let's not think about cleaning up until tomorrow morning (^_^;)

Believe or not, it was already cleaned up in the morning as if nothing was happen a night before...
Before we head back to North Carolina, we enjoyed gorgeous weather at patio with kidsヽ(´ー`)ノ
and delicious southern comfort food(●^o^●)
Very satisfied!
We will be back!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Family Sunday

Sunday afternoon, Papa's little brothers and mother came to visit us (or I should say they came to help our home project!)  While they are working on hanging some art, I groomed James, Chuck, Pocky, and Pretz.
Time  flies...I completely forgot to take James' picture...I'm sorry James (T T) He sure was handsome dog as usual.  His little brother Chuck is a Black Labrador mix. I shaved entire his body except his tail, he is ready for summer!
Chuck's papa said "he is ten times cuter"(*^_^*) He is always cute but I guess he does looks younger this way (^^)v
I gave Pocky and Pretz just a bath and eye brow trimming (it gets bushy quickly...)
Smell good and now they can see much better (^^♪

House project is half way done...but we have more art to hang...hopefully we get it done by next week and it will be on blog soon! Until then here is art of Pocky and Pretz...(*^_^*)

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Recently one of our friends got a new puppy, English Bulldog! We finally got to meet her!
She is only 14 weeks old! What an adorable puppy!!
Also very friendly (^^)v
Sweet girl (´ε` )
More than anything, I love how she wiggle walk!!! I can't help that I almost want to roll her instead of walk her!!!
Since Pretz is still a puppy, Pretz and Lola got used to each other really quickly. They were just chasing each other back and cute!!! (*^_^*)
Seemed like they were having "which one is more puppy" competition...
While they are having good time together, of course Pocky is afraid of Lola ("new dog")
It's okay Pocky, you will get used to her soon just like you took a time to get used to Pretz (^^♪
Looking forward our future play dates!!!

Before they went home. Lola gave me one special shot!