Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Huey.
He is very elegant but also loves to play with other dogs! The weather is getting's about time for a summer hair cut! Good luck Huey! (^^ゞ
Gavin the model!
I cannot ask him for more...he is so photogenic. I like how he poses for me every time I reach for my camera. Yes he knows...(*^_^*) Thank you so much Gavin for your cooperation!
Dante is back!!
He is attending SPCA walk this month. With shaved hair, he looks like a greyhound, but he is sooo handsome!!! He looks great! You are going to get a lot of attention during your walk! Good luck! Maybe we will join you on the next one (^^)v
Welcome back Charlie!
Charlie's been having a bit of an issue with his skin so we haven't seen him lately, but he is back for a fresh hair cut! He seems happy as usual...made me feel good that he is doing well (・ω<) The weather is getting nice and we need to get back to the dog park together!
She gets anxious on the grooming table. I feel bad so I always talk to her while grooming to calm her down. Not many dogs like grooming so it's understandable, especially with how small she is...everything must look very big to her. Poor Maggie...but look at you now! You look so pretty. It wasn't too bad was it?? (^^♪
Mini Poodle named Doodle!
Since her papa is not a big fan of regular poodle cuts, I decided to give her more like a puppy cut. Due to her short hair from the previous cut, I had to trim her pretty short to make it even, but I think she is very pretty! I wonder if she got to go home for Easter Day with papa because she is so ready! (*^_^*)
Mama's boy Otis.
I kind of like his scruffy look but since I won't be able to groom him for another three weeks, we decided to go ahead and do a whole grooming. He is very patient because the sooner we finish, he gets to see his mom (^.^) Mama's boy Otis just like Pocky!
Rusty is back!
He is shedding all of his winter coat. Time to change to summer clothes. The de-shedding treatment works on dogs like Rusty wonderfully. I also trimmed his hair shorter along his body. He has much less layers and shorter hair...we can actually see his tail now! (^^)v Stay cool Rusty!
Cutie Ginger!
Her mom likes to keep her hair fluffy like a teddy bear but it's been hot lately. It feels like we skipped spring and jumped into summer already. We decided to trim her hair down shorter than we normally do. She still looks like a fluffy teddy bear. Her mom loves it! She had play time with my dogs until her mom came. They are just adorable...Pocky especially was very happy to see her☆・:゚*ヾ(o´∀`o)ノ*゚:・☆
Tibetan Terrier mix named Porter!
When Porter came, I was so excited to groom him that I forgot to take a "before" picture, so his papa gave me a picture of him of before he came in.
Look how much hair he had!!! I totally enjoyed trimming so much hair at one time hahaha. Now he can see what's in front of him! His papa said Porter seems to be enjoying his short hair. I'm glad that he is too! He has such a pretty face...he definitely needs to show off (๑′ᴗ'๑)ღ
Everybody looks great beside my three kids on the couch...
That is so true. I would be a terrible mother to send you guys to our friends' houses for two weeks. Let's do this!
Perfect! I wish I can take you guys to Hawaii with know how much I hate leaving you...m(_ _)m
You guys'll be good and see you in two weeks!