Thursday, March 15, 2012


75degrees! The weather was too nice to be home today. Papa finished work early and took us to brunch yey(^^♪ We walked towards downtown for 10 minutes, arrived at The Raleigh Times Bar!
Also there was a small cafe; The Morning Times, it is known as the place to go to get a coffee and light meal☆ミ
They are located right next each other and outside seating is set up along the street. You can get a meal from the Raleigh Times Bar and get a cup of coffee from the Morning Times, very good deal! So here we are (^^)v
Papa was working without breakfast so he got...
Their fries are deeeeelicousssssss!! I think I stole half of his fries...(ノ´∀`*)
and I got...
Of course I didn't share my meal...(;´∀`)
I have to say it was a perfect brunch. We will definitely come back here again to try other meals!
While we are having brunch, Pocky was of course right under my chair...
He was chilaxing and enjoying this weather. On the other hand, Pretz was busy watching people around us...
I don't know what or who she was watching but she was hard core staring at something to the point that she couldn't focus on the picture...Pretz is a very curious girl (^_^;)
Well we are satisfied, let's walk back to home! We can use some walking exercise!(^^)! guys got some'll be dinner time soon (b´∀`) right??
Fine...I guess I'm going to feed dinner little earlier than usual today...(#・∀・)

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