To find some kind of solution, I took Pocky to Phydeaux. (We went on a date ❤)
Phydeaux is the biggest locally-owned pet supply store I have ever seen that is located in Raleigh downtown! They have all kinds of pet supplies, it is hard for me to leave this place with empty hands...^^; I meant to look for stuff to help Pocky eat but look at these...
So many cute bowls! Maybe I should get a new bowl for Pocky to encourage him to eat!....(*^^)v
(Like I just said...I'm always looking for some excuse to purchase some stuff here...)
Before I started shopping crazy, I picked up two cans of food and we headed home (^_^;)
Once we got home, I mixed his dry food and wet food to see if he was going to eat at all...
He ate!
Actually he ate it all!!
I was so happy that I couldn't stop staring at him while he was finishing his food.
Thank you Wellness!! You made my day\(^o^)/
Believe it or not, Pocky is not my only patient in the house right now. Papa just got a knee surgery and he is in big pain...
The least of my worries is a little girl Pretz. She is handling this whole heat cycle very well; all I need to do for her is change the diaper from time to time. Good girl Pretz (*^^)v
Hope all my patients (especially Pocky and Papa) get better sooner rather than later (人∀・) I miss normal life。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。sniff sniff...
That store looks amazing!!! I wanna go there and shop for Luca too!
ReplyDeleteSo I looked it up online and they can ship anywhere in the US! YAY!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you ever have a chance to come down here I will take you there! You are going to love it!!!They have online store too but they have even more stuff in the store. Too many products that they can't even post everything online. My favorite store so far down here!
ReplyDeleteI love your posts!!! They are so animated and hilarious!!! Miss you guys!!!
ReplyDeleteWe all miss you too!! Pocky is missing your parents too!!