Monday, January 30, 2012

Apartment Hunting!

We are back in North Carolina for apartment hunting!
Wait...we (especially I) can't do apartment hunting with hungry stomach! Therefore we decided to stop by Mexican Restaurant EL Rodeo first ♥

It was tooooo delicious!!!
Awweee don't look at me like that...I can't give you guys's bad for you (-_-)
Plus I was too hungry that I already finished eating and even forgot take pictures of food!!! ugh...I did it that again...m(__)m

After big lunch, as much as I wanted to go back to bed, we had to start apartment hunting (*´Д`)
We have targeted the places where we wanted to see which was downtown Durham and Raleigh but oh my goodness...we didn't remember to be that expensive (@_@;)  Looks like Pocky and Pretz may have to start news paper delivery in neighborhood to help us out! haha  U>ω<)ノ !!
These are some places we looked around.
Hopefully we can nail it down where we are going to live by this week because we have only one month left to get out DC (^_^;)

Today's closing is a standard poodle, Zorro! He's been keeping up his teddy bear cut since first time he came in for grooming which is over a year ago. He looks just like a stuffed animal, I love it! (*^_^*)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Ride

We got an exciting phone call this morning from Honda dealership that our car will be ready later today yey \(^o^)/ Meanwhile they let us have their rental car. What are we going to do until then??
Please Pretz don't get car sick...
Here we are at the Big Bad Woof! Maybe we can find a new collar for Pretz (^^) Before we go in, picture time with this dog friendly Mr. Fire Hydrant (ノ´∀`*)

We are in the store for 30 minutes looking for a perfect collar for Pretz but unfortunately we didn't find one that we liked...m(__)m  I promised her I will get a perfect one for her soon!

Time goes by quickly, It was time to go get our new ride!
Then... tada~~~~~♫

We absolutely love it!!! We are happy about the color and the accessories that we picked.
Hopefully this CR-V will be our ride for looooong time ・:*:・(*´∀`*)・:*:・
It seems our kids like the new ride too.
Pretz is always about the food...(ーー;)

They are ready for driving!
We are driving back to North Carolina this weekend for apartment hunting! It's going to be a fun trip with this new ride (*^_^*)

Today's closing is a beagle mix, Wuzzy! He came in for deshedding treatment. You will be surprised how much a small dog can shedd, that's why giving your dogs a bath regularly is very important! Wuzzy is now good to go (^^)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Snow!?!?

This winter has been strange weather...It's really warm one day and very cold next day...also we never had snow yet (ノД`)  I was excited when I heard it may snow at midnight because Pretz hasn't seen snow yet!
In the morning, I was ready to snap some pictures of kids with snow outside but once we went to outside...Neoooooooo It was more like nasty sleet...(-_-メ)
Well I already prepared to take some pictures so might as well...
All Pretz did was licking and eating ice...she definitely failed to do her business... Oh well hopefully she gets to see real snow sometimes soon before winter is over.

The best things to do nasty day outside like today are eat and nap (*´∀`*)
I had coffee and GODIVA chocolate ♥ Kids had yummy bone.

I'm not going to steal your bone Pretz...^_^;
After snack, nap ti~~~~me ♪
Awww Pocky is spooning Pretz!!! How sweet ♥ Enjoy cuddling time (´ε` )

Today's closing is Ovi. She came in for de-shedding treatment! No more shedding for a little while (^^)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Car Shopping

It's been three months since we said good-bye to our old car, even though we live in the city it is about time to buy a new car. After carefully researching what kind of car we need right now... we decided to get Honda CR-V! Before we made a final decision we also need opnions from our kids.
"Pretzs what do you think about CR-V with this color??"
Okay red pearl it is! \(^o^)/
Pocky, do you agree...??

Papa~~ red pearl it is then!!! (*´∀`*)
One week from today, we shall have a brand new car! yay!!

Today's closing is Bichon Frise, Francis. He goes out to hiking in the woods everyday with his dog walker, his owner requested his hair to be really short. Now he can roll over and have tons of fun in the woods yet still easy to clean him!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nice and Clean!

This morning, I gave my kids a big bear hug then...sniff sniff.... (^m^;) you guys stinky~~~!
These days Pocky finally got used to Pretz being around all the time, now they are BFF! I'm so happy that they get along and play each other all the time. No wonder they get stinky quicker than before! I know this is a happy smell but they can't get away from bath time~ (^o^)丿
First, little girl Pretz' turn

Next, big boy Pocky

Almost done~~~~~

It's all done! See you guys clean and smells great! Now go play ♪~(´ε` )

Today's closing is Golden Retriever, Peabody! Tangle-free and clean paws, side facial hair trimmed to help ear dry faster. He is ready!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years in New York

☆ Happy New Year ☆
We spent our new years in Noho, New York City! Although it was first time for Pretz to go to such a big city, she adjusted herself very quickly, next thing I noticed was she was already New Yorker! (*^^*) 
Pocky's been there many times yet he was having hard time to do his businesses in open public...yes he seemed he needed his privacy time...(^_^;) Sorry Pocky, get used to it!
We also enjoyed our time in New York with friends, a lot of good food, hanging out, and essential napping!
Hope everyone had a memorable New Years ε- (´ー`*)

Wishing 2012 to be a great year for everyone ♪~(´ε` )

Pretz is loosing her teeth already...She will be an adult soon!

Hahaha I'm sorry Piggie...Pocky loves you so much ((´∀`)) Please be patient in 2012 too, Piggie(´ε` )

Today's closing is Yorkshire Terrier, Thai! Since it's winter time, I kept body hair long and short and neat on face. Can't believe she is 13 years old because she looks still baby (*^^*)