Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Snow!?!?

This winter has been strange weather...It's really warm one day and very cold next day...also we never had snow yet (ノД`)  I was excited when I heard it may snow at midnight because Pretz hasn't seen snow yet!
In the morning, I was ready to snap some pictures of kids with snow outside but once we went to outside...Neoooooooo It was more like nasty sleet...(-_-メ)
Well I already prepared to take some pictures so might as well...
All Pretz did was licking and eating ice...she definitely failed to do her business... Oh well hopefully she gets to see real snow sometimes soon before winter is over.

The best things to do nasty day outside like today are eat and nap (*´∀`*)
I had coffee and GODIVA chocolate ♥ Kids had yummy bone.

I'm not going to steal your bone Pretz...^_^;
After snack, nap ti~~~~me ♪
Awww Pocky is spooning Pretz!!! How sweet ♥ Enjoy cuddling time (´ε` )

Today's closing is Ovi. She came in for de-shedding treatment! No more shedding for a little while (^^)


  1. I have a question. How old are your dogs and do they speak spanish?

  2. Replies
    1. Pocky is 3 years and 8 months old. Pretz is 5 months old.
      They don't speak Spanish but I'm teaching them Japanese (^^)
