Monday, July 16, 2012


One of Papa's good friends, Mathew Curran is a very talented artist. There is an exhibition in downtown Raleigh at FLANDERS ART GALLERY where some of his works are on display until July 21st. Since we live right around the corner, we took our doggies with us to check it out! 
Mat specializes in stencil art in which he draws the piece first, prints it, and then uses an X-acto blade to fashion each stencil.
It's hard to see in the pictures but his work is very detailed. In fact, the piece in the above right is actually two layers providing a stereoscopic effect. 
Papa's favorite were the Ravens on white background while mine were the Ravens on the textured collage print. The reason why I liked those pieces was that he mixed and patched together nature with things found in our urban environment such as signs, landmarks, and buildings etc,. 
Something that you can't miss at the gallery is...
I asked Mat how long he took to finish this particular piece. I expected him to say a couple months but he said "this one took a bit longer like five days". I was like ((((;゚Д゚)))) I don't even know how but It's amazing. He also said that he envisions placing it on a barn in a field after the exhibition. Wherever that is, I want to go see it!

There are two other artists on exhibition at the gallery. As soon as you walk in, you will see Jonathan Brilliant's work (my first thought was his name is already talented...).
Jonathan Brilliant's work utilizes ordinary coffee shop materials, maybe things normally overlooked. I didn't know what it was until I got really close to it. These are the wooden stirrers woven together very tightly without using any glue!(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)Wow! The wavy tube that you see in the picture is not a vent pipe, which is what I thought at first. It was made with the cardboard coffee sleeves and the plastic coffee lids...I was just staring at it...speechless━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! It's amazing how one person can make such a thing without using any kind of glue. Anyway I liked it a lot! 

The last one we saw was Olek's crochet work. She has "power" to change anything into multi-looped, hyper colored, crocheted visions. It's like magic!・:*:・(*´∀`*)・:*:・
Look how pretty this tractor looks☆彡 Never expected this! They allowed Pocky and Pretz to get on this fantastic ride. They look so special ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

She also did some amazing work to the gallery itself...tada~~
She covered the gallery with crochet!!!! Everything is possible! Pocky, Pretz and Mat almost blended into the camouflage crochet too(*^_^*)hahaha 

Thank you to Mat for the personal tour and letting me bring Pocky and Pretz. We had a great time and enjoyed seeing the ordinary with extraordinary.

The exhibition is until July 21! The location is 302 S. West Street in Raleigh, NC. If you haven't been there yet, go check it out!(人´∀`).☆.。.:*・゚

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